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If you already have text for your website, SoftForge can conduct a thorough check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, incorrect word usage and consistency issues. A spell checker won't pick everything up, but we will!

For example -

Original text: "Our hotel is the beast in Beachtown, join us for a really refreshing brake."

After proofreading: "Our hotel is the best in Beachtown. Join us for a really refreshing break!"

Proofreading rate: £8 per 100 words
(This may vary for complex or technical subjects. Please contact us for details.)

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

The Benefits of Professional Proofreading

Investing in professional proofreading services offers numerous advantages for your business and personal projects:

  • Enhanced Credibility: Error-free content boosts your brand’s credibility and professionalism, making a positive impression on your audience.

  • Improved Clarity: Proofreading ensures that your content is clear and easy to understand, effectively conveying your message without confusion.

  • Consistency in Communication: Our proofreaders ensure that your content maintains a consistent tone, style, and formatting throughout, which is essential for reinforcing your brand identity.

  • SEO-Optimized Content: We help maintain the SEO integrity of your content by ensuring that important keywords are preserved and that the content remains engaging and readable for both users and search engines.

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: By catching errors before publication, professional proofreading can save you time and money that might otherwise be spent on revisions or correcting mistakes post-publication.